
I’m Josh Sowin.

CEO @ Brainjolt

recently acquired by Centerfield

🌐 Founding Director @ Hypertext Foundation

a 501(c)3 supporting arts + tech

🧩 Co-founder @ Blue Kazoo

Beautiful, sustainable jigsaw puzzles.


Welcome internet traveler… you’ve reached my information superhighway.

Founder vibes


I’ve started over a dozen companies, some of which were acquired and others that were hilarious failures learning opportunities.

ZOMG, click to unfold this and tell me more!! ➜

Projectzzz + stuff

Probability of updating this: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 0.4%

Y2K Hats (Apr 2024)
rick.exe (Feb 2024)
BeepBox Music Demo (Feb 2024)
Hypertext Foundation (Dec 2023)
Windows Dialog Game (Dec 2023)
Useless Website (Dec 2023)
Deals Newsletter (Nov 2023)
Rate Limits (Oct 2023)
Takeout Discovery Platform (Private Beta, Aug 2023)
AI Search Trends (Jan 2023)
5+ million views on AI Coding Videos (Dec 2022)
2000 - 2020 >>
1994 - 2000 >>

An occasional newsletter

I write a newsletter about my web wanderings:

Nerdy things


I’ve been fascinated with crypto since 2013 when I did my first bitcoin transaction just so I wouldn’t become an old man left in the dark ages. Been through a fair share of rug pulls.

AI Coding: In 2022 I became an AI “influencer” for a few weeks on TikTok and got a few million views on AI coding videos when that was a novel thing. I knew I had achieved True Virality because a friend of Emily mentioned a video they saw and she was like, yeah, that’s Josh and I edited it.

Text-to-Image Gen AI: 2023 was a year of playing with image generation and I made and launched tens of thousands of AI-made ad creatives. This culminated with the book Rate Limits and contributed to Brainjolt’s acquisition in 2024.

Kids Games: I applied both of the above skills in 2024 to make simple kid games for Zizi. You can read more about it in Retro Games and 4-year-olds.

An… enigma?

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Someone once told me ”you’re an enigma, man” in the most California voice I’ve ever heard. Was it a compliment or a criticism? I never asked.

I’m SO ready to judge you, tell me some stuff ➜


I’ve long since given up on email, but give it a try, it’s not hard to guess at this domain.






